Manipulator for battery loading
Beginning of the project
10th November 2017
End of the project
8th April 2018
Type of the project
Single-purpose device
Project description
The manipulator serves to load electric batteries to hybrid automobiles. As each battery weighs from 13 to 50 kilograms, it would be unimaginable to load them manually. Instead, a long arm that reaches behind backseats is used.

Interesting facts
The device uses an active pneumatic balance system which adjusts itself according to the changing weight of the burden. Combined with an electronic manipulation secures an accurate, simple and safe manipulation with batteries. The manipulator is hung on a trolley device enabling its movement in a defined space of the line. Adjustable mechanical stops secure a geometry adjustment in/to a specific workplace according to surrounding aspects. Working upstroke of the grasping arm is up to 1.1 metres.